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Friday, September 10, 2010

Back to the drawing, er... huntboard

I don't usually like to break up a thread of blog posts that tie a single project together, however a number of interesting projects came up this summer that I couldn't pass up. Now that I have all that wrapped up, I can finally get back to that cherry huntboard project. I'm getting closer to the end now. In this episode I show you my quick and easy method for gluing up a panel, and how I cut the step-back into the front profile of the top panel. This episode is a bit longer, but there is a bit more to this top than an ordinary rectangular one and I didn't want to skip over any of the steps. By the end of this episode, you will get a glimpse into what the lines of the final piece will look like. As always, your comments and questions are welcome.

There have been some problems reported with the embedded video feed from In the event of emergency, you can just click here.


Kerry D said...

It might be just me, but I have only audio on this blipTV entry. No video, just a white screenp

Sveinn Daði Einarsson said...

I've got the same problem.

Rob Bois said...

Thank you both for the heads-up. It was working fine this morning, but something happened at blip. I'm re-importing the original to see if I can resolve the issue.

Anonymous said...

Rob, another great video.

Could you have used that right angle jig to square off the inside corners after routing ?

Any plans for those sharp looking corners on the top ?


Rob Bois said...

Hey RW, thanks. I did consider using the right angle jig, but it had the same problem the combo square did - it was registering against the chamfer, not the edge. As for the corners on the top, I will give the entire top another sanding before I finish, and that's when I typically round off any sharp edges or corners. Especially in cherry, I like to have nice soft lines and edges.

BBQ Recipes said...

Thanks for thiss blog post